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Science-based Homeopathy

Guest Post Written by Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma, M.D.


Ankylos (Greek), meaning bent

It has now come to imply something that restricts motion due to stiffening and may ultimately result in fusion. When the joint loses its mobility and becomes stiff it is said to be ankylosed. [click to tweet]

Spondylos (Greek), meaning vertebra

itis, meaning inflammation

Spondylitis means inflammation of the spinal vertebrae.

 Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), previously known as Bekhterev syndrome/Marie-Strümpell disease, is a chronic progressive painful inflammatory rheumatic disease (Pseudopsora), which affects the spinal joints, in particular, the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine that can lead to stiffness of the back.

The disease typically begins in adolescence and young adulthood, and only rarely does it begin after the age of 45 years. Male to female ratio of those having it is 3:2.

As the disease advances, AS can result in gradually progressive stiffness (Pseudopsora/…

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The heart is a vital organ in the body and is needed to stay alive. It is important to take care of it to maintain a long, healthy life. There are a variety of ways to keep a strong heart, most of which are a part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • Learn Family History

Family history is a large factor in heart health. If a you have a relative, such as a parent or sibling, who suffered a heart attack before the age of 60, and also a second-degree relative, like an aunt or uncle, who had a heart attack, you are 10 times more likely to suffer from a heart attack than someone who has no heart disease in their family, according to an interview with Dr. Emily Senay on CBS News. It is important to learn your family’s heart history.

  • Healthy Diet

A diet high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and limited in refined sugars and trans fats will lower cholesterol and contribute to a healthier heart. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can help control weight and blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Eating fish, such as salmon, that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help lower the risk of death from coronary artery disease.

  • Take Vitamins

Vitamins are an essential part of maintaining heart health and contribute to the well being of the cardiovascular system. According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamins B6 and B12 help prevent clogged arteries. While many vitamin-rich foods may contain these, it is a good idea to at least take a daily multivitamin.

  • Limit Alcohol

In moderation, some studies have shown alcohol to increase good cholesterol, therefore being beneficial to the heart. However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure and heart failure, according to the American Heart Association.

  • Sleep

Not only will sleep improve your mood and ability to function, it is also increases heart health. According to U.S. News & World Report, there was a sleep study done with middle-aged adults, and those who got an extra hour of sleep at night had a lower risk for artery-clogging calcification that can lead to heart disease.

  • Reduce Stress

Life can become fast-paced and stressful all too easily, therefore, it is important to take time every day to relax. People who are in stressful situations have a tendency to not exercise, overeat or start smoking. Also, according to the American Heart Association, stress can be linked to high blood pressure.

  • Don’t Smoke

Smoking can lead to a number of health issues, including heart disease. Your risk of heart disease increases drastically with the number of cigarettes smoked.

  • Control Weight

According to the American Heart Association, obesity can lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance, all of which heighten the risk of cardiovascular disease. Having more fat, especially in the waist area, there is a higher risk for health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart attack. Someone is considered obese when her weight is 20 percent or more above the normal range.

  • Exercise

Physical inactivity is a major risk for cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association. Exercise increases heart rate and builds strength and endurance. It is important to exercise five times a week for about half an hour each time. However, it is also very important not to push your body too far, because that can result in adverse effects on the heart, such as high blood pressure.

  • Know Your Numbers

It is important to have routine doctor’s visits to check numbers such as blood pressure and cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL and blood pressure should be less than 120/80 mmHg. High blood pressure is the single largest risk factor for a stroke.


It is a known fact that diabetics should avoid sweets as much as possible. This is pretty sad if you like to devour chocolates or any sweets, right? However, a diabetic can still eat sweets provided that the intake is limited. Fortunately, there are diabetic diet foods that help reduce sugar. Hope you can use or eat some of them to help you.
Any diabetic will do anything to control or manage diabetes, right? If you are one of them, I am sure that you will find any means to manage your eating habits. This is why I am providing you diabetic diet foods. Who knows? It can do you good. Below are just some of the helpful foods that are safe for your consumption.
• Berries – fruits from the berry family such as blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries are great for diabetics. Though they are sweet, they do not increase sugar levels since they are low in fat and calories. They are excellent sources of vitamins that improve health. Aside from vitamins, they are good providers of antioxidants as well.

• Cinnamon – pretty hard to believe, right? I have always pictured cinnamon as a sweet extract. It is so sweet that it makes my spine tingle. It makes me think that maybe consuming this will only sky-rocket any diabetic’s sugar level. Contrary to that thought, cinnamon is proven to be helpful in reducing blood sugar levels. It is also said to be a good insulin substitute because of its ingredient called MHCP or Methylhydroxychalcone Polymer. Cinnamon is known to be added in coffee, tea and pastries. It is also used as a spice for dishes. Incorporate this in your daily diet and see the difference.

• Cherries – Researches tell us that cherries reduce blood sugar levels and multiply insulin production. Cherries contain chemicals called anthicyanins. This anthycyanins are said to double insulin production in the body. If I were you, I’d add cherries to your personal recipes. Apart from helping in managing diabetes, cherries also reduce the risk of getting heart diseases.

• Vinegar – who would have thought that an ingredient you add to your food can lower your blood sugar levels? Studies prove this effect on diabetics after vinegar is consumed. This benefits the non-diabetics as well as vinegar also controls and maintains their blood sugar levels. You can add this to your dishes or you can directly consume this to lessen insulin needs.

• Wine – Don’t be too happy just yet. Wine is only helpful for you if you take them in moderation. Moderate wine consumption can decrease blood sugar levels. However, it will be the other way around of you drink too much of it.
Being diabetic is difficult. What you need to help you control it are regular exercise, self-discipline and diabetic diet foods. I hope foods that are mentioned can help you in dealing with your diabetes. You can always try them as they are proven safe and effective by different studies concluded. Stay healthy!



1. Cuts, Scrapes & Bruises
Clean wound with a sterile gauze soaked in calendula and hypericum lotion.
· Moderate to severe bruising:
Remedy: Arnica Montana
Local Application: Apply calendula cream or ointment.
· Wound feels cold and numb. Soothing feeling with cold compress.
Remedy: Ledum Palustre
· Wounds with shooting nerve pain.
Remedy: Hypericum Perforatum
2. Minor Burns & Scalding
Avoid touching burnt or scalded area as much as possible.
i. Hold under cold running water to cool skin surface and reduce pain.
ii. Apply Urtica ointment to soothe the wound.
If a burn surface is larger than 3-4 inches in diameter, see a healthcare professional immediately.
· Blistering burn or scalding. Searing pain. Applying a cold compress provides soothing relief.
Remedy: Arnica Montana, followed by Cantharis
· Continuous stinging and burning pain.
Remedy : Urtica Urens
3. Insect Bites & Stings
Insect bite and sting pain, swelling and at times infection.
Remove bee or wasp stinger with sterile tweezers.
If sting is inside the mouth, nose, ear, or if it’s in or around the eyes, rinse with cold water to reduce swelling and see a healthcare professional immediately.
· Stung area is swollen, bruised and painful
Arnica Montana ,followed by Ledum Palustre
· Stung area is red, feels hot and swollen
Remedy: Apis Mellifica
4. Eye Injuries
The eye is delicate and easily damaged by pressure, injury and foreign objects.
• Wash dust and grit from the eye with cold water.
• Bathe with calendula& Hypericum solution to prevent infection.
• If still painful after removing object, bathe eye with euphrasia solution every 4 hours.
All eye injuries should be examined by a healthcare professional.
· Black eye or bruising around the eye after injury.
Remedy :Arnica Montana
· Black eye. Persistent pain that is soothed by applying a cold compress
Remedy :Ledum Palustre
· Persistent pain after removing a foreign object.
Remedy : Euphrasia Officinalis
5. Sprains & Strains
Sprains caused by overstretching of ligaments may bind the joints. This can range from mild to severe which can also affect the muscles. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness and pain whenever joint or muscle is used.
• Provide support to injured area in the most comfortable position.
•To reduce swelling apply a cold compress soaked in cold water
and 10 drops of arnicatincture.
• If the ankle is sprained, provide firm support and apply
arnica cream.
· Pulled tendons and ligaments accompanied by pain and stiffness.
Remedy:Arnica Montana, followed by Ruta Graveolens
· Torn muscle, hot swollen joints, pain is worse on start of move and wares off with continued movement.
Remedy : Arnica Montana, followed by Rhus Toxicodendron
6. Splinters
Remove splinter with sterile tweezers.
If not inoculated against tetanus within the past 10 years, see a healthcare professional immediately.
· Stinging burning pain.
Applying a warm compress may draw splinter closer to the surface.
Remedy: Silicea
7. Blisters
Bubbles of fluid under the skin caused by friction or burning.
If blisters burst, bathe with calendula and hypericum solution.
· Itching, burning blisters.
A cold compress provides soothing relief.
· Red, swollen and itchy blisters.
Remedy: Rhus Toxicodendron
8. Nosebleeds
Hold head up in a seated position while pinching the lower part of the nostrils firmly for about 10 minutes, then release slowly
If bleeding persists, see a healthcare professional.
· Nosebleed after an injury.
Remedy :Arnica Montana
· Nosebleed brought on by blowing the nose violently.
Remedy: Phosphorus



Homeopathic treatment of thalassemia symptoms – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat thalassemia symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to cure thalassemia symptoms that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of thalassemia symptoms:
Carcinosin, Sepia, Belladonna, Calcaria Carb, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Silicea, Abis Nig, Antim Crude, Baptesia, Carbolic Acid, Chin Ars,Ceonathus,Ferrum Met, Ipecauc, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and many other medicines.



Definition of Thalassemia

Thalassemia, also known as Mediterranean Anemia, Cooley’s Anemia or Homozygous Beta Thalassemia, is a group of inherited disorders in which there is a fault in the production of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying pigment found in red blood cells).

Description of Thalassemia

Blood is red because the red blood cells contain an oxygen-carrying substance called hemoglobin. The principal function of hemoglobin is to combine with and transport oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to all body tissues, where it is required to provide energy for the chemical reaction of all living cells.
Hemoglobin contains a large amount of iron. When red blood cells are broken down, most of the iron from the hemoglobin is used again to make new hemoglobin.
In the case of thalassemia the hemoglobin is fragile and breaks down sooner than normal, thus leaving the person with not enough hemoglobin in their body. This lack of hemoglobin causes anemia.
There are different types of anemia. The most common is iron-deficiency anemia. This happens when people do not have enough hemoglobin because they’re not eating enough of the foods that contain iron .
Thalassemia is a different type of anemia. This happens when people do not have enough hemoglobin and is caused by the inheritance of a defective gene.
There are two forms of thalassemia:

Thalassemia trait
People with thalassemia trait carry thalassemia, but they are not ill. They are healthy and normal, however, some may have slight anemia.
People with thalassemia trait also have slightly more hemoglobin called hemoglobin A2 in their blood.
Thalassemia trait is present at birth, it remains the same for life, and it can be handed down from parents to children.
Thalassemia major
This a very serious blood disease that begins in early childhood.
Children with thalassemia major are normal at birth but become anemic between the age of three months and eighteen months. They become pale, do not sleep well, do not want to eat, and may vomit frequently after feedings.
If thalassemia major goes untreated, children usually die between one and eight years of age.

Causes and Risk Factors of Thalassemia

Thalassemia is a genetically determined disease. It tends to be found in individuals whose families come from the Mediterranean region, Africa, and sometimes Asia.

Symptoms of Thalassemia

People with thalassemia major may experience the following:

  • Paleness
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Jaundice
  • Spleen enlargement

Diagnosis of Thalassemia

The diagnosis of thalassemia trait and thalassemia major is made from microscopic examination of the blood, which shows many small, pale red blood cells.

Homeopathy study Group learn homeopathy

Diabetes is a disorder in which the body can manage with all the cautions. There are various types of drugs prescription drugs, home remedies, yoga, homeopathy, and so on. “Homeopathic medicine for diabetes” is not a new approach to treating diabetes. Homeopathic treatment has been in practice for many years as alternative medicine. Although some people question the concept of May homeopathic remedy options, there is ample evidence for the claim that diabetes is treated with homeopathy. As an alternative system of medicine, homeopathy is very safe and has no doses of homeopathic remedies can cure or even prevent diabetes in chronic conditions. It’s a proven fact that homeopathic remedies are not only powerful in reducing blood sugar levels, but also extend help to promote health for overall wellness.
In this method of treatment for diabetes, arsenic and phosphorus are used. As phosphoric acid and lactic acid are the best…

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Ase o fuku onna (Woman wiping sweat). Print sh...

As I explained in the post about yeast infection, the topic of my interview on  Here’s to Your Health this week was women’s health. Josh ended the show asking me about what homeopathy can do to relieve hot flashes. I am posting a more complete answer here because we were short of time on the radio and there are one or two things that I want to add.

Hot Flash is a feeling of warmth all over the body. It is usually brief (less than a few minutes) and can be accompanied by flushing and sweating. Most of the time it is experienced by many women (2 out of 3 premenopausal women) prior  and at the beginning of menopause. It can be a few months or even several years before menopause. The symptoms can be very mild or quite extreme (who has not heard of women needing to change…

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